Beibei Li

Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Management at Heinz College


  • Heinz College




Heinz College

She received her PhD in Business Administration (specialized in Information Systems) from Leonard N. Stern School of Business at NYU in 2012. Beibei’s research interests lie at the intersection between social and technical aspects of information technology. She is especially interested in how new technologies impact individual behavior and decision making. Recently, She has been focused on the emerging digitization of human behavior. In particular, the mobile, web and sensor technologies today allow her to examine not only "what people say" (e.g., social media, word-of-mouth, online user-generaged content), but also "what people do" in both online (e.g., search and click stream, purchase) and offline environments (e.g., physical movement trajectory, quantified self and mobile health, internet-of-things). She is interested in exploring how such large-scale, fine-grained digital traces of individual behavior can help understand the heterogeneity in individual decision making and interactions across channels, and how the knowledge learned from such digitized behavioral traces can help facilitate transformations in various domains, such as healthcare, marketing and finance, and urban transportation. To reach these goals, Beibei applies inter-disciplinary approaches combining econometrics, economic structural modeling, Bayesian modeling and randomized experiments, with crowd-sourcing and machine learning techniques such as text mining, sentiment analysis and image classification.

Beibei’s recent research has been published in Marketing Science, Management Science and several top IS, Economics, Marketing and CS conferences. She is the recipient of the Anna Loomis McCandless Chair Professorship at Carnegie Mellon University in 2015. She is the winner of the Best Paper Award at the 20th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2011), Best Theme Paper Award at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012), a Google Faculty Research Award, an Adobe Faculty Research Award and a CAI Research Award from Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative. I am the winner of the Junior Marketing Researcher Award at the Big Data Marketing Conference 2015. I am also the winner of the INFORMS ISS Nunamaker-Chen Dissertation Award , the ACM SIGMIS Best Doctoral Dissertation Award and the Herman E. Krooss Doctoral Dissertation Award in 2012-2013.

Prior to getting her PhD, Beibei held a BS and a MS in Computer Science. She also minored in Fashion Design.


PhD in Information Systems: Stern School of Business, New York University 2008-2012.

Honors & Awards

  • NSF Award on Smart and Connected Communities. 2016.
  • Anna Loomis McCandless Chair Professorship. 2015.
  • Junior Marketing Researcher Award. 2015.
  • Google Faculty Research Award. 2015.
  • Adobe Faculty Research Award. 2015.
  • Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Research Award. 2015.
  • Information Systems Research (ISR)/Information Systems Society (ISS) Best Reviewer of the Year Award. 2015.
  • Management Science Distinguished Service Award. 2013.
  • INFORMS ISS Nunamaker-Chen Dissertation Award. 2013.
  • Herman E. Krooss Doctoral Dissertation Award. 2013.
  • ACM SIGMIS Doctoral Dissertation Award. 2012.
  • Best Theme Paper Award. ICIS 2012.
  • Best Paper Award. International World Wide Web Conference (WWW) 2011.

## Courses Taught

  • 94-832 - Business Intelligence and Data Mining SAS
  • 95-797 - Data Warehousing

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