Andre Cire

Assistant Professor of Operations Management and Statistics, Department of Management at University of Toronto Scarborough at Rotman School of Management


  • Rotman School of Management



Rotman School of Management


Andre Augusto Cire is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Management at University of Toronto Scarborough, cross-appointed with the Operations Management area at Rotman School of Management. His main research interests include discrete optimization, mathematical programming, constraint programming, and practical applications of scheduling and routing. Andre''s recent work focuses on hybrid methods that exploit the interface between operations management and computer science for the purpose of developing computationally efficient methods for hard and large-scale optimization problems. 

###Honors and Awards###

2015  NSERC Discovery Grant; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

2016  Connaught Research Award; University of Toronto

2016  Doctoral Dissertation Award; Association for Constraint Programming

2015  Gerald L. Thompson Doctoral Dissertation Award in Management Science; Carnegie Mellon University

2014  UTSC Research Competitiveness Fund; University of Toronto Scarborough

2014  2014 INFORMS Computing Society Student Paper Award; INFORMS Computing Society

2011  Egon Balas Award; Carnegie Mellon University

2008  Best Paper Award, Applications Track; The 14th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming

2009  Latin American Master''s Thesis Contest in Informatics, Second Place; Latin American Center for Informatics Studies

Selected Publications - Papers

On the Minimum Chordal Completion Polytope D. Bergman, C. Cardonha, A. A. Cire, A. Raghunathan Operations Research, forthcoming 2019

A Network-Based Formulation for Scheduling Clinical Rotations A. A. Cire, A. Diamant, T. H. Yunes Production and Operations Management, forthcoming 2019

An MDD-based Lagrangian Approach to the MultiCommodity Pickup-and-Delivery TSP M. Castro, A. A. Cire, J.C. Beck INFORMS Journal on Computing, forthcoming 2019

Discrete Nonlinear Optimization by State-Space Decompositions D. Bergman, A. A. Cire Management Science 2018

Hybrid Optimization Methods for Time-Dependent Sequencing Problems J. Kinable, A. A. Cire, and W.-J. van Hoeve European Journal of Operational Research 2017

Discrete Optimization with Decision Diagrams D. Bergman, A. A. Cire, W.-J. van Hoeve, and J. N. Hooker INFORMS Journal on Computing 2016

Modeling with Metaconstraints and Semantic Typing of Variables A. A. Cire, J. N. Hooker, and T. Yunes INFORMS Journal on Computing 2016

Theoretical Insights and Algorithmic Tools for Decision Diagram-based Optimization D. Bergman, A. A. Cire Constraints 2016

Lagrangian Bounds from Decision Diagrams D. Bergman, A. A. Cire, and W.-J. van Hoeve Constraints 2015

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