Alina Chircu

Professor of Computer Information Systems at Bentley University


  • Bentley University



Bentley University

Alina M. Chircu is a professor in the Computer Information Systems (CIS) department (and formerly in the Information and Process Management (IPM) department) at Bentley University, USA. She served as Interim Dean of Business (2022), Senior Associate Dean of Business for Graduate Programs (2019-2022), and Department Chair of the Information and Process Management department (2011-2019). She also served on several accreditation writing teams (NECHE, AACSB), as chair of the Analytics curriculum task force, and as member of the university-level Promotion and Tenure committee, many curriculum improvement and review committees, and several university leadership search committees. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Management Information Systems and bachelor's and master's degrees in Computer Science. Dr. Chircu has published many articles in journals such as the Business Process Management Journal, Communications of the AIS, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Decision Support Systems, Journal of Management Information Systems, Communications of the ACM, Journal of Information Systems Education, and others, in the proceedings of IEEE, AIS, IACIS, and other conferences, and in books published by Wiley, Springer, Butterworth-Heinemann, and others. Her teaching and research interests include business process and value chain management, designing thinking, digital transformation, and the business value, design, adoption and implementation of transformational technologies such as e-business, e-government, mobile, RFID, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, quantum computing, digital twins, and the metaverse. Dr. Chircu has been a chair, moderator and presenter in both academic and practitioner panels and workshops. She has served as associate editor for various journals and conferences, as Membership Vice Chair for the AIS Special Interest Group for ICT in Global Development and as organizer and chair of the 2015 Bentley Research Colloquium on Sustainable Worlds: Individual, Business, Societal, and Scientific Perspectives. Dr. Chircu is currently a senior editor for the Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA) journal, and also serves on the editorial boards of several other academic journals.


  • University of Minnesota - Carlson School of Management - Ph.D., Business Administration / Information Systems

Teaching Interests

Designing for the value chain; supply chain technology; business process management and transformation; business value of IT; digital transformation

Research Interests

Business value, design, adoption, and implementation of transformational technologies; supply chain technologies; e-commerce; e-business; e-government; mobile communication technologies; RFID; Internet of Things (IoT); reference architectures; digital twins; quantum computing; artificial intelligence; metaverse; digital transformation

Consulting/Practice Interests

Digital transformation; design thinking; supply chain processes and technologies; business value of IT; e-business; e-government

Awards and Honors

  • 2023, Best Paper Nomination (Mini-track Best Paper), 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, Hawaii, January 3-6, 2023
  • 2019, Best Paper Award – Research (Honorable Mention), 59th Annual Conference for the International Association for Computer Information Systems
  • 2019, Nomination, Herbert Simon Best Paper Award, 14th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST), June 4-6, 2019, Worcester, MA
  • 2016, Most Developmental Associate Editor Award (2011), Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA)
  • 2011, Best Paper Nomination (Healthcare Mini-track Best Paper) , Hawaii Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Kauai, HI, January 4-7, 2011
  • 2010, Valente Center Faculty Research Fellowship, 2010-2011, Valente Center
  • 2007, Teacher Appreciation, Hispanic Business Students Association, November 2007.
  • 2003, Best Paper Award, The 2003 Americas Conference on Information Systems, Tampa, Florida


Journal Articles

  • Bai, Z., Jain, N., Kurdyukov, R., Walton, J., Wang, Y., Wasson, T. K., Zhu, X., Chircu, A. M. (2019). Conducting Systematic Literature Reviews in Information Systems: An Analysis of Guidelines. Issues in Information Systems, (20) 3 83-93.
  • Romaniello, A., Chircu, A. M. (2018). A Connected World: A Systematic Literature Review of the Internet Effects on Society. Issues in Information Systems, (19) 3 110-119.
  • Sultanow, E., Chircu, A. M. (2018). Bringing Clarity to the Java IoT Jungle. Issues in Information Systems, (19) 4 26-34.
  • Shah, R. H., Chircu, A. M. (2018). IoT and AI in Healthcare: A Systematic Literature Review. Issues in Information Systems, (19) 3 33-41.
  • Ahlmeyer, M., Chircu, A. M. (2016). Securing the Internet of Things: A Review. Issues in Information Systems, (17) IV 21-28.
  • Chircu, A. M., Sultanow, E., Saraswat, S. (2014). Healthcare RFID in Germany: An Integrated Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Perspective. Journal of Applied Business Research, (30) 3 737-752.
  • Saraswat, S., Anderson, D. M., Chircu, A. M. (2014). Teaching Business Process Management with Simulation in Graduate Business Programs: An Integrative Approach. Journal of Information Systems Education, (25) 3 221-232, Fall 2014.
  • Chircu, A. M., Gogan, J. L., Boss, S. R., Baxter, R. J. (2013). Medication Errors, Handoff Processes and Information Quality: A Community Hospital Case Study. Business Process Management Journal, (19) 2 201-216.
  • Gogan, J. L., Baxter, R. J., Boss, S. R., Chircu, A. M. (2013). Handoff Processes, Information Quality and Patient Safety: A Trans-Disciplinary Literature Review. Business Process Management Journal, (19) 1 70-94.
  • Bandara, W., Chand, D. R., Chircu, A. M., Hintringer, S., Karagiannis, D., Recker, J., van Regsburg, A., Usoff, C. A., Welke, R. (2010). Business Process Management Education in Academia: Status, Challenges and Recommendations. Communications of AIS, (27) 1 743-776. (Link)
  • Chircu, A. M., Mahajan, V. (2009). PERSPECTIVE: Revisiting Digital Divide - An Analysis of Mobile Technology Depth and Service Breadth in the BRIC Countries. Journal of Product Innovation Management, (26) 4 455 - 466. (Link)
  • Chircu, A. M. (2008). E-Government Evaluation: Towards A Multidimensional Framework. Electronic Government, (5) 4 345-363.
  • Chircu, A. M., Mahajan, V. (2006). Managing Electronic Commerce Transaction Costs for Customer Value. Decision Support Systems, (42) 2 898-914.
  • Chircu, A. M., Lee, H. D. (2005). E-Government Key Success Factors: Assessing and Realizing Value. Electronic Government, (2) 1 11-25.
  • Chircu, A. M., Kauffman, R. J., Keskey, D. (2001). Maximizing the Value of Internet-based Corporate Travel Reservation Systems. Communications of the ACM, (44) 11 57-63.
  • Chircu, A. M., Kauffman, R. J. (2000). Limits to Value in Electronic Commerce-Related Information Technology Investments. Journal of Management Information Systems, (17) 2 61-82.
  • Chircu, A. M., Kauffman, R. J. (2000). Reintermediation Strategies in Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, (4) 4 7-42.
  • Chircu, A. M., Kauffman, R. J. (1999). Strategies for Internet Middlemen in the Intermediation / Disintermediation / Reintermediation Cycle. Electronic Markets, (9) 2 109-117.
  • Chircu, A. M. (1999). Thinking About the Future. Electronic Markets, (9) 4 284-286.

Book Chapters

  • Brunow, S., Burkert, S., Chircu, A. M., Czarnecki, C., Erthel, J., Hsieh, I., Jain, A., Latuski, S., Pomaskow, J., Sharma, K., Sultanow, E., Szymanski, O., Zaiatc, A. (2024). AI and Stress Testing for a Digital Twin of Society In Kai Gondlach, Birgit Brinkmann, Julia Plath, Mark Brinkmann, (Eds.) Regenerative Futures and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 3 PROFIT. Springer VS Forthcoming.
  • Berger, V., Chircu, A. M., Sultanow, E. (2024). Detection of neglected tropical diseases with AI-based microscopy image analysis: the case of onchocerciasis and schistosomiasis In Kai Gondlach, Birgit Brinkmann, Julia Plath, Mark Brinkmann, (Eds.) Regenerative Futures and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 2 PEOPLE. Springer Forthcoming.
  • Sultanow, E., Chircu, A. M., Bumiller, S., Schwan, A., Lehmann, A., Sept, A., Szymanski, O., Venkatesan, S., Ritterbusch, G. ., Teichmann, M. R. (2024). What is the significance of the metaverse for the public sector? An analysis using the example of the German Federal Employment Agency In Kai Gondlach, Birgit Brinkmann, Julia Plath, Mark Brinkmann, (Eds.) Regenerative Futures and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 1 PLANET. Springer Forthcoming.
  • Patsko, S., Chircu, A. M., Hanania, P., Stellwag, M., Cox, S., Jansen, M., Sultanow, E. (2022). X-IoT: Architecture and Use Cases for an IoT platform in the Area of Smart Cities In Sur, S. N., Balas, V. E., Bhoi, A. K., Nayyar, A., (Eds.) IoT and IoE Driven Smart Cities. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland
  • Ludsteck, J., Sultanow, E., Chircu, A. M., Herget, G., Seßler, M. (2021). An architecture for detecting infrastructure anomalies at Germany’s Federal Employment Agency In Ralf H. Reussner, Anne Koziolek, Robert Heinrich, (Eds.) Informatik 2021, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI). 11-30. Bonn, Germany: Gesellschaft für Informatik
  • Sultanow, E., Chircu, A. M., Plath, R., Friedmann, D., Merscheid, T., Sharma, K. (2021). AI Evolves IA: A Practitioner View on Artificial Intelligence Information Architecture In Christian Czarnecki, Peter Fettke, (Eds.) Robotic Process Automation. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter
  • Breithaupt, C., Vieracker, J., Chircu, A. M., Cox, S., Sultanow, E. (2020). The Enterprise Architect as a Crisis Manager: Insights from Lufthansa In Christian Czarnecki et al., (Eds.) Informatik 2020 Workshops, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI). 23-37. Bonn, Germany: Gesellschaft für Informatik
  • Chircu, A. M., Sultanow, E., Hain, T., Merscheid, T., Özcan, O. (2020). Real-Time 3D Visualization of Queues with Embedded ML-based Prediction of Item Processing for a Product Information Management System In A. Zimmermann et al., (Eds.) Human Centred Intelligent Systems, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 189. Singapore: Springer Nature
  • Chircu, A. M., Sultanow, E., Baum, D., Koch, C., Seßler, M. (2019). Visualization and Machine Learning for Data Center Management In Christian Czarnecki et al., (Eds.) Workshops der Informatik 2019, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI). 15-26. Bonn, Germany: Gesellschaft für Informatik
  • Sultanow, E., Chircu, A. M. (2019). A Review of IoT Technologies, Standards, Tools, Frameworks and Platforms In Mahmood, Z., (Eds.) The Internet of Things in the Industrial Sector. 3-34. Cham, Switzerland: Springer
  • Sultanow, E., Chircu, A. M., Schroeder, K., Kern, S. (2018). A Reference Architecture for Pharma, Healthcare & Life Sciences: A Framework for Using Digital Technology In , (Eds.) Workshops der INFORMATIK 2018, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI). 25-41. Bonn: Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH (Gesellschaft für Informatik)
  • Resnick, M., Chircu, A. M. (2018). Wearable Devices: Ethical Challenges and Solutions In Marrington, A., Kerr, D., and Gammack, J., (Eds.) Managing Security Issues and the Hidden Dangers of Wearable Technologies. 182-205. IGI Global
  • Chircu, A. M., Sultanow, E., Sözer, L. (2017). A Reference Architecture for Digitalization in the Pharmaceutical Industry In , (Eds.) Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI). 2043-2057. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik
  • Li, M., Chircu, A. M., Li, G., Xia, L., Xu, J. (2017). Patient Satisfaction and Hospital Structure: How Are They Related? In Chen, H., Zeng, D.D., Karahanna, E., Bardhan, I., (Eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) , Smart Health. 15-25. Springer
  • Babaian, T., Lucas, W. T., Chircu, A. M., Power, N. (2017). Interactive Visualizations for Workspace Tasks,Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing book series (LNBIP), vol. 291, pp. 389-413 In , (Eds.) . Springer
  • Sultanow, E., Chircu, A. M. (2015). Improving Healthcare with Data-driven Track-and-trace Systems In John P. Girard, Deanna Klein, and Kristi Berg, (Eds.) Strategic Data-Based Wisdom in the Big Data Era. Hershey, PA: IGI Global
  • Chircu, A. M., Resnick, M., Saraswat, S. (2015). Online Intermediaries and Supply Chains In Mansell, R. and Ang, P.-H., (Eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society, . Malden and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell
  • Chircu, A. M. (2013). Digital Payments In , (Eds.) Wiley Encyclopedia of Management. 3rd editionChichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd
  • Chircu, A. M. (2013). E-Commerce In , (Eds.) Wiley Encyclopedia of Management. 3rd editionChichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd Forthcoming.
  • Chircu, A. M., Marabelli, M. (2013). Contributions (Business Processes) in Chapter 2 Organizational Strategy, Competitive Advantage, and Information Systems In R. Kelly Rainer, Brad Prince, and Casey G. Cegielski, (Eds.) Introduction to Information Systems: Supporting and Transforming Business. 5thHoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2014
  • Marabelli, M., Chircu, A. M. (2013). Contributions (Enterprise Resource Planning), Chapter 10 Information Systems within the Organization In R. Kelly Rainer, Brad Prince, and Casey G. Cegielski, (Eds.) Introduction to Information Systems: Supporting and Transforming Business. 5thHoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2014
  • Chand, D. R., Chircu, A. M. (2012). Business Process Modeling In Venky Shankararaman (Singapore Management University, Singapore), J. Leon Zhao (University of Hong Kong Kowloon, Hong Kong) and Jae Kyu Lee (KAIST, South Korea, (Eds.) Business Enterprise, Process, and Technology Management: Models and Applications . 2012 395. Hershey, Pennsylvania : IGI Global (Link)
  • Chircu, A. M. (2010). Click-and-Brick Electronic Commerce In Bidgoli, H., (Eds.) The Handbook of Technology Management. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons
  • Chircu, A. M., Kauffman, R. J., Wang, B. (2007). Beyond the "eBay of Blank": Next Stage Digital Intermediation in Electronic Commerce In Barnes, S. J, Hunt, B, (Eds.) E-Commerce and V-Business. 2ndLondon, England: Butterworth-Heinemann Publishers
  • Chircu, A. M. (2005). E-commerce Overview In Davis, G. B, (Eds.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management: Management Information Systems. 2nd 96-102. Oxford, U. K: Blackwell Publishing
  • Chircu, A. M., Kauffman, R. J. (2001). New Perspectives On E-business Systems Solutions In Corporate Travel Distribution In Werthner, H, Bichler, M, (Eds.) Lectures in E-Commerce. 47-76. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag
  • Chircu, A. M., Kauffman, R. J. (2000). Digital Intermediation In Electronic Commerce: The eBay Model In Barnes, S. J, Hunt, B, (Eds.) E-Commerce and V-Business. 45-66. London, England: Butterworth-Heinemann Publishers

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