Alan Montgomery

Professor of Marketing at Tepper School of Business


  • Tepper School of Business



Tepper School of Business




GSIA - Tepper School of Business - Room 228A




University of Chicago - MBA - 1994
University of Chicago - Ph D - 1994
University of Illinois at Chicago - BS - 1989


Electronic Marketing, Clickstream Analysis, Price Optimization, Bayesian Statistics, Decision Theory


  • Latent Homophily or Influence? An Empirical Analysis of Purchase within a Social Network

(author(s): Liye Ma, Ramayya Krishnan, Alan Montgomery) Management Science 61(2), 2015; 454-473

  • An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Pre-Release Movie Piracy on Box-Office Revenue

(author(s): Liye Ma, Alan Montgomery, Param Singh, Michael Smith) Information Systems Research 25(3), 2014; 590-603

  • Cross-Selling The Right Product To The Right Customer At The Right Time

(author(s): Shibo Li, Baohong Sun, Alan Montgomery) Journal Of Marketing Research 48(4), 2011; 683-700

  • The Impact of Shopbot Use on Prices and Price Dispersion: Evidence from Online Book Retailing

(author(s): Zhulei Tang, Michael Smith, Alan Montgomery) International Journal of Industrial Organization 28(6), 2010; 579-590

  • No Meaningful Impact: The Effect of Pre-release Piracy on Movie Box Office Sales

(author(s): liye ma, Alan Montgomery, Param Singh, Michael Smith) Workshop on Information Systems Economics, 2009

  • No Meaningful Impact: The Effect of Pre-release Piracy on Movie Box Office Sales

(author(s): liye ma, Alan Montgomery, Param Singh, Michael Smith) Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research, 2009

  • Prospects for Personalization on the Internet

(author(s): Alan Montgomery, Michael Smith) Journal of Interactive Marketing 23(2), 2009; 130-137

  • Challenges and Opportunities in High Dimensional Choice Data Analyses

(author(s): Prasad Naik, Michel Wedel, Lynd Bacon, Anand Bodapati, Eric Bradlow, Wagner Kamakura, Jeffrey Kreulen, Peter Lenk, David Madigan, Alan Montgomery) Marketing Letters 19(3-4), 2008; 201-213

  • When Auction Meets Fixed Price: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination of Buy-it-Now Auctions

(author(s): Xin Wang, Alan Montgomery, Kannan Srinivasan) Qme-Quantitative Marketing and Economics 6(4), 2008; 339-371

  • Choice in Interactive Environments

(author(s): J. Steckel, R. Winer, R. Bucklin, B. G. Dellaert, X. Dreze, G. Haubl, S. Jap, J. D. Little, T. Meyvis, Alan Montgomery, A. Rangaswamy) Marketing Letters 16(3-4), 2005; 309-320

  • The Implementation Challenge of Pricing Decision Support Systems for Retail Managers

Applied Stochastic Models In Business and Industry 21(4-5), 2005; 367-378

  • Four Scenarios for the Future of Education

(author(s): R Sanborn, A Santos, Alan Montgomery, J. Caruthers) Futurist 39(1), 2005; 26-30

  • Analysis of Consumer Packaged Goods Shopping Trips Across Retailer Formats and Stores

(author(s): Edward Fox, Alan Montgomery, Leonard Lodish) Journal of Business 77(2, Part 2), 2004; S25-S60

  • Modeling Online Browsing and Path Analysis Using Clickstream Data

(author(s): Alan Montgomery, S. Li, Kannan Srinivasan, J. Liechty) Marketing Science 23(4), 2004; 579-595

  • Consumer Shopping and Spending Across Retail Formats

(author(s): E. Fox, Alan Montgomery, L. Lodish) Journal of Business 77(2), 2004; S25-S60

  • Designing a Better Shopbot

(author(s): Alan Montgomery, K. Hosanagar, R. Krishnan, Karen Clay) Management Science 50(2), 2004; 189-206

  • Learning About Customers Without Asking
    The Power of One - Leverage Value from Personalization Technologies

(author(s): Alan Montgomery, Kannan Srinivasan) eBRC Press, Penn State University, 2003; 122-143

  • A Utility Theory Based Approach to Shopbot Design

Proceedings of the CASOS Conference, 2002

  • Choice and the Internet: From Clickstream to Research Stream

(author(s): Randolph Bucklin, James Lattin, Asim Ansari, David Bell, Eloise Coupey, Sunil Gupta, John Little, Carl Mela, Alan Montgomery, Joel Steckel) Marketing Letters 13(3), 2002; 245-258

  • Econometric Models in Marketing
    Econometric Models in Marketing

(author(s): Philip Franses, Alan Montgomery) Elsevier Science 16, 2002; 1-9

  • Econometric Models in Marketing: Editors'' Introduction

(author(s): P. Franses, Alan Montgomery) Econometric Models In Marketing 16, 2002; 9-Jan

  • Reflecting Uncertainty about Economic Theory When Estimating Consumer Demand
    Econometric Models in Marketing

Elsevier Science 16, 2002; 257-294

  • Simulation/ Optimization Based Approach to Design of Shopbot Operational Algorithm

(author(s): Kartik Hosanagar, Itir Karaesman, Ramayya Krishnan, Alan Montgomery) Proceedings of the WITS Conferenc, 2002

  • Identifying Web Browsing Trends and Patterns

(author(s): Alan Montgomery, C. Faloutsos) IEEE Computer 34(7), 2001; 94-95

  • Applying Quantitative Marketing Techniques to the Internet

Interfaces 31(2), 2001; 90-108

  • Why Analyst Overconfidence about the Functional Form of Demand Models Can Lead to Overpricing

(author(s): Alan Montgomery, E. Bradlow) Marketing Science 18(4), 1999; 569-583

  • Estimating Price Elasticities with Theory-Based Priors

(author(s): Alan Montgomery, P. Rossi) Journal of Marketing Research 36(4), 1999; 413-423

  • Forecasting the U.S. Unemployment Rate

(author(s): Alan Montgomery, V. Zarnowitz, R. Tsay, G. Tiao) Journal of the American Statistical Association 93(442), 1998; 478-493

  • Creating Micro-Marketing Pricing Strategies Using Supermarket Scanner Data

Marketing Science 16(4), 1997; 315-337

  • Hierarchical Bayes Models for Micro-Marketing Strategies
    Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics

Springer-Verlag, 1997; 95-141

  • Determinants of Store-Level Price Elasticity

(author(s): S. Hoc, B. Kim, Alan Montgomery, P. Rossi) Journal of Marketing Research 32(1), 1995; 17-29

  • A System-Independent Graphical User-Interface for Statistical Software

(author(s): L. Liu, K. Chan, Alan Montgomery, M. Muller) Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 19(1), 1995; 23-44


  • A Bayesian Approach to Optimal Pricing Using Business Rules

(author(s): Alan Montgomery, Marcel Goic) Revision requested from Marketing Science

  • A Structural Model of Mental Accounting

(author(s): Nicholas Pretnar, Alan Montgomery, Christopher Olivola) 2016

  • Reshaping Bank Branch Networks Due to Mobile Banking

(author(s): Francisco Cisternas, Alan Montgomery, Willem-Jan Van Hoeve) 2016

  • Setting Overdraft Fees in the Presence of Mobile Alerts Using Consumer Financial Transaction Data

(author(s): Xiao Liu, Alan Montgomery, Kannan Srinivasan) Marketing Science

  • Influencing Product Competition through Shelf Design

(author(s): Francisco Cisternas, Alan Montgomery, Timothy Derdenger)

  • The Dual Impact of Movie Piracy on Box-Office Revenue: Cannibalization and Promotion

(author(s): Liye Ma, Alan Montgomery, Michael Smith) Journal of Marketing Research

  • The Effects of Advertising on Customer Retention and the Profitability of Auctions

(author(s): Xin Wang, Alan Montgomery) International Journal of Industrial Organization

  • Customer Acquisition at Online Auctions: Why More Bidders Can Decrease Profitability

(author(s): Xin Wang, Alan Montgomery) Under Review at Quantitative Marketing and Economics

  • Inferring Competitor Pricing with Incomplete Information

(author(s): Marcel Goic, Alan Montgomery)

  • Predicting Online Purchase Conversion from Paid Search Advertising with Text Mining

(author(s): Alan Montgomery, Kinshuk Jerath, Qihang Lin)

  • The Moderating Impact of Promotion on Substitution: An Economic Approach

(author(s): Elina Petrova, Alan Montgomery)

  • Teaching Analytical Marketing Strategy


  • Modeling Category Viewership of Web Users with Multivariate Count Models

(author(s): Alan Montgomery, Shibo Li, John Liechty)

  • The Great Equalizer? An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Choice Behavior at an Internet Shopbot

(author(s): Erik Brynjolfsson, Michael Smith, Alan Montgomery) Revision requested from Management Science

  • Peer to Peer Networks for Self Organizing Virtual Communities

(author(s): Alan Montgomery, Ramayya Krishnan, Jamie Callan) 2001

  • Long-Term Growth Trends in Private Label Market Shares

(author(s): Stephen Hoch, Alan Montgomery, Young-Hoon Park)

  • Should Music Publishers Pay for Radio Airplay? Investigating the Relationship Between Music Sales and Radio Airplay

(author(s): Alan Montgomery, Wendy Moe) 2000

  • Trends and Patterns of WWW Browsing Behavior

(author(s): Alan Montgomery, Christos Faloutsos) 2000

  • Using Clickstream Data to Predict WWW Usage



  • INFORMS - Finalist for John Little Prize (2005)
  • ASA - Mitchell Prize for Bayesian Application (1999)
  • American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium (1992)
  • Oscar Meyer Fellowship (1992)
  • Donald and Leah Riddle Prize (1989)
  • The University of Chicago Fellowship (1989)


  • FlexMBA Advisory Committee, Committee Member (2013 - )
  • PNC Center for Financial Services Innovation, Research Director (2013 - )
  • Faculty Computing Committee, Committee Member (2012 - )
  • RAS Committee, Tepper School of Business, Committee Member (2007 - )
  • Machine Learning Department (Previously CALD) Core Faculty Committee, Carnegie Mellon University, Committee Member (2000 - )
  • Business Analytics Recruiting Committee, Committee Member (2013 - 2015)
  • Marketing Recruiting, Committee Chair (2013 - 2013)
  • Marketing Recruiting, Tepper School of Business, Committee Chair
  • University Non-Tenure Committee, Committee Member
  • Distinguished Lecture Series, Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar Campus, Committee Member (2010 - 2011)
  • Business Research Lecture Series, Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar Campus, Program Organizer (2010 - 2011)
  • Faculty Marketing Recruiting, Tepper School of Business, Committee Member
  • Faculty Information Systems Recruiting, Tepper School of Business, Committee Member (2008 - 2009)
  • Ph.D. Coordinator for Marketing Area, Tepper School of Business, Committee Member (2008 - 2009)
  • Ph.D. Committee, Tepper School of Business, Committee Member (2007 - 2009)
  • Teaching Innovation Center, Tepper School of Business, Committee Chair (2007 - 2008)
  • Faculty Information Systems Recruitment, Tepper School of Business, Committee Member (2007 - 2008)
  • Faculty Marketing Recruiting, Tepper School of Business, Committee Member (2007 - 2008)
  • Research Strategy Planning Committee, Carnegie Mellon University, Committee Member (2007 - 2008)
  • Tepper School of Business Recruiting, Committee Member
  • Teaching Innovation Committee, Tepper School of Business, Committee Member (2004 - 2007)
  • Grading Committee, Tepper School of Business, Committee Member (2004 - 2006)
  • Marketing Club Award for Excellence, Tepper School of Business, Committee Chair (2004 - 2005)
  • Executive Education Advisory Committee, Tepper School of Business, Committee Member (2003 - 2005)
  • MSEC Faculty Council, Tepper School of Business, Committee Member
  • Teaching Assignments Advisory Committee, Tepper School of Business, Committee Member
  • Marketing Club Award for Excellence, Tepper School of Business, Committee Chair (2001 - 2002)
  • BS BA Education Affairs Committee, Tepper School of Business, Committee Member
  • Dean Search Committee, Tepper School of Business, Committee Member
  • Faculty Computing Committee, Tepper School of Business, Committee Chair (2000 - 2001)
  • Marketing Faculty Recruitment Committee, Tepper School of Business, Committee Chair (2000 - 2001)
  • Faculty Development Fund Committee, Carnegie Mellon University, Committee Chair (2000 - 2001)
  • Faculty Development Fund Committee, Carnegie Mellon University, Committee Member


  • Law School Admission Council (2013 - 2014)
  • PNC Bank (2012)
  • Sentrana Corporation, Board of Directors (2006 - 2012)
  • Bacardi Limited (2011)
  • Starcom Corporation (2009 - 2011)
  • Sentrana Corporation (2005 - 2007)
  • ACE Hardware (2005 - 2006)
  • Network Appliances Inc. (2005)
  • Giant-Eagle, Inc. (2000 - 2001)
  • (2000)
  • Law School Admission Council (1999 - 2000)
  • University of Chicago (1991 - 1994)
  • Scientific Computing Associates (1987 - 1990)


  • Associate Editor, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics (2012 -)
  • Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Interactive Marketing (2002 -)
  • Editorial Review Board Member, Review of Marketing Science (2001 -)
  • Member, INFORMS/The Institute of Management Science (1994 -)
  • Member, American Marketing Association (1993 -)
  • Member, American Statistical Association (1993 -)
  • Program Organizer, American Statistical Association, Section on Business and Economic Statistics (2012 - 2013)
  • Program Organizer, American Statistical Association, Section on Business and Economic Statistics (2011 - 2012)
  • Council of Sections Representative , Section on Statistics and Marketing (2008 - 2010)
  • Associate Editor, Marketing Science (2007 - 2010)
  • Editorial Review Board Member, Marketing Science (2005 - 2010)
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics (2001 - 2009)
  • Committee Member, Program Committee of the Internet Monetization track at WWW2008 Beijing, China (2008)
  • Treasurer , American Statistical Association’s Business and Economics Statistics Section (2006)
  • Chairperson, American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics in Marketing (2006)
  • JSM Program Chair, American Statistical Association, Section on Statistics in Marketing (2005 - 2006)
  • Session Chair, INFORMS, INFORMS Annual Meeting (November 2006)
  • eBRC Research Fellow (2003)
  • Program Chair, Section on Statistics in Marketing, 2003 Joint Statistical Meetings (2002 - 2003)
  • Session Chair, American Statistical Association, Joint Statistical Meetings (August 2003)
  • Guest Editor, Advances in Econometrics, Volume 16: Econometric Models in Marketing (2001)
  • Session Chair, INFORMS Conference, "Modeling Consumer Demand” Session, College of Marketing (1999)
  • Elected, Beta Gamma Sigma (1989)


  • Marketing Analytics (45936) 2016 Mini 2 Section: A
    2016 Mini 5 Section: E
    2016 Mini 4 Section: A

  • Marketing Management (45730) 2016 Mini 2 Section: M
    2016 Mini 3 Section: M
    2015 Mini 3 Section: A, B, M
    2014 Mini 3 Section: A
    2013 Mini 5 Section: F

  • Business Analytics Capstone (45959) 2016 Section: A
    2013 Section: A

  • Bayesian Statistics (47747) 2016 Mini 3 Section: A
    2014 Mini 4 Section: A
    2012 Mini 3 Section: A
    2007 Mini 3 Section: A

  • Marketing with Electronic and Social Media (45934) 2015 Mini 4 Section: A
    2014 Mini 3 Section: A
    2013 Mini 5 Section: E
    2013 Mini 3 Section: E

  • Multivariate Data Analysis (47755) 2012 Mini 2 Section: A

  • Marketing with Electronic and Social Media (45821) 2012 Mini 3 Section: A

  • Marketing Research (70481) 2011 Section: Q

  • Pricing (70383) 2011 Mini 3 Section: Q

  • International Marketing (70382) 2011 Mini 4 Section: Q

  • Marketing (70381) 2010 Section: Q
    2009 Section: Q

  • Interactive Marketing (70488) 2010 Section: Q

  • Marketing Strategy (70489) 2010 Section: Q

  • Consumer Behavior (70385) 2009 Section: Q

  • Interactive Marketing Leveraging Technology (45821) 2009 Mini 3 Section: A
    2008 Mini 3 Section: A
    2007 Mini 4 Section: A
    2006 Mini 4 Section: A, M
    2005 Mini 2 Section: A

  • Marketing Applications of Data Mining (45922) 2009 Mini 3 Section: E
    2008 Mini 3 Section: A
    2007 Mini 4 Section: A

  • Advanced Choice Models (47743) 2008 Mini 2 Section: A

  • Analytical Marketing Strategy Project (45923) 2008 Section: A
    2007 Mini 3 Section: A

  • Economic Theory (73251) 2006 Section: Q

  • Marketing (large) (70381) 2006 Section: Q

  • Probability and Statistics (large) (70207) 2006 Section: Q

  • Analysis of Consumer Behavior in Online Env (47742) 2006 Mini 3 Section: A

  • Computational Marketing Project (45956) 2006 Mini 3 Section: A

  • Marketing Applications of Data Mining (45939) 2006 Mini 4 Section: A

Courses Taught

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