July 29, 2024

Offline courses

ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Freight transport is a critical and costly function that is frequently overlooked. Yet the benefits from efficient control and administration of operations and transport vehicles can be substantial. After exploring the different transport modes of road, sea and air, this seminar looks at the...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Istanbul, Turkey
3,800 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Improve service whilst reducing costs; an impossible task? With effective management and leadership, world class companies do this every day. Getting more with less is possible and this seminar shows you how. In every Supply Chain, the service levels are paralleled with cots to serve. However,...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
4,500 USD
1 more date
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Inventory Management Techniques is the essential skill for managing inventory in the supply chain. Participants are shown how to evaluate procedures and make needed changes to methods to improve customer service whilst achieving reductions in inventory; eliminate wasteful costs; avoid internal...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3,300 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
3,300 USD
5 more dates
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
What is good customer service? How can it go from good to great? What are the pitfalls that many perople experience when trying to deliver customer service? Does attitude count? What is the best way to handle difficult customers? What techniques can be used to reduce customer-service stress? Find...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3,300 USD
3 more dates
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Everyday significant revenues are made and lost by organizations as a result of the contractual terms and conditions governing contracts for the purchase of goods, equipment and services. Since all business activities are governed by contractual relationships, it is increasingly important for all...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Istanbul, Turkey
3,300 USD
2 more dates
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
The ability to negotiate successful is one of the most basic of the business person’s skill sets. Significant positive or negative impacts are made to every organization’s bottom line from the results of the negotiations conducted by their employees either internal or external customers or...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
3,300 USD
4 more dates
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
This course is designed for junior and middle managers who are responsible for warehouse and distribution planning and management. This training programmed is designed to give each participant a good foundation understanding of this area of operation and the opportunity to increase the knowledge...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Istanbul, Turkey
3,300 USD
3 more dates
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
The Clean Air Act initially aimed at dirty air that plagued many cities. The law added provisions about the effects of sources of pollution. The law established quantity limits for the release of common industrial air contaminants. Amendments required stricter control over 189 air toxins based on...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3,800 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Compliance Solutions Course meets OSHA requirements for training of personnel engaged in hazardous waste operations as outlined in 29 CFR 1910.120, including removal or handling of underground tanks and/or piping, contaminated soil and/or groundwater, subsurface investigations, construction work...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
3,800 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Handling and disposal of wastes generated in oil and gas exploration and production has received significant attention in recent years. This heightened interest has been a result of the public and regulatory agencies focus on environmental protection. Because of this, the oil industry has...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3,800 USD
2 more dates
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Benchmarking is a simple concept – improving ourselves by learning from others although rather less than simple to implement. It usually involves regularly comparing aspects of performance (functions or processes) with best practitioners, identifying gaps in performance, seeking fresh approaches...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Istanbul, Turkey
3,800 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Jul 29—Aug 4, 2024
7 days in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
3,800 USD
1 more date
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
This course introduces the three basic surveying tools–the tape, level and transit/theodolite along with proper field procedures for basic surveying. These include taking field notes, taping and EDM, leveling, bearings and azimuths, topography, and mapping. This is an introductory course to the...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Istanbul, Turkey
3,800 USD
1 more date
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Steel is perhaps the most used construction material in the USA for high-rise towers, industrial buildings, bridges and other structures. It competes with reinforced concrete in the US and rest of the world because of its many favorable characteristics including high strength, high stiffness,...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3,800 USD
2 more dates
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
This course will present the fundamentals of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) applications. Concept and screening criteria for overall Enhance Oil Recovery types, injection process and simulation modeling approach will be discussed. Factors and reservoir properties affecting EOR injection process will...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
5,000 USD
1 more date
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
This course provides a complete overview of wellsite operations from the perspective of the Operations Geologist and the Wellsite Geologist. The focus is on being able to understand the job functions that are typically performed at the wellsite, and what use is made of the large amounts of data...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Istanbul, Turkey
4,200 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
This course, designed for explorationists, will assist participants in developing map data contouring skills required to produce reliable and high quality maps in support of exploration and production activities in the petroleum industry. The sessions will emphasize the explorationist's role as a...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
4,200 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
More than ever before, much of an organization’s work to implement strategic improvement changes is considered project-type tasks. Projects are becoming increasingly complex and sophisticated, but often project work is performed by competent professionals who may have little or no leadership...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
3,300 USD
1 more date
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
This program outlines the fundamentals of project management in general with emphasizing on road projects. It also addresses the recent practice in managing road projects and risk management in road construction. It will also highlights the components of feasibility studies of road projects,...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3,300 USD
2 more dates
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Nowadays, almost all kinds of organizations are required to undertake projects for various purposes. Due to constraints of resources, projects must be managed in a proper way to achieve expected outcomes. Without thoughtful planning, execution and monitoring of efforts, organizations will lose...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
3,300 USD
2 more dates
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Organizations that are project driven are faced with the challenge of effective management of inter-dependent, varied priority, varied value, multi-players, shared-resources, short and long term, multiple-accountability, shared-authority, variable risk level and dynamic projects. Therefore, it is...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
3,300 USD
1 more date
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
The course presents the repair and operations, testing and maintenance of different H.V. power component such as power transformers, underground cables, different types of the circuit breakers, current transformer, potential transformers, capacitive voltage transformers, grounding switches,...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
3,800 USD
1 more date
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Electrical safety plays an important role in electrical power systems in maintaining the safety to human being and equipment. Also it will maintain the continuity of power supply and power quality to the industrial and commercial consumers. A properly plan, design and operation of the electrical...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3,800 USD
1 more date
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Current practice is reviewed to establish a sound understanding of the underlying principles of power system transmission, distribution, operation & control with an emphasis on the developments taking place, as a result of: New forms of generation Load interconnection CO2 Emissions...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3,800 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
This course examines techniques for decision analysis with emphasis on prioritization and the decision making process to be carried out by Operation & Maintenance Professionals. Decision-making is the most central human activity, intrinsic in our biology and done both consciously and...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3,800 USD
1 more date
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Combine our introductory and continuing trainings and jumpstart your team leaders to a new level of performance! This comprehensive course has been designed for new or experienced supervisors to give them the concrete skills and knowledge needed to be successful on the job. Focus on the...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3,800 USD
1 more date
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3,800 USD
1 more date
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Globalization has placed increasing demands on modern process control in terms of quality, safety, flexibility and costs. However, more efficient control can only be achieved through better measurement – when the process instrumentation provides the correct information. This course, ‘Process...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3,800 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Managing the process and workload is just not enough nowadays. Instead, the modern manager needs to be able to motivate their team, be able to manage change, deal with difficult people, manage performance, they need to be able to coach and develop their staff – the list goes on! Management...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
3,300 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Blend your instincts and experience with accelerating techniques from the most powerful women in business. You'll study the behavior of individuals and organizations, refining key principles through case studies led by senior businesswomen and faculty members focused on corporate culture,...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
3,300 USD
1 more date
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
A leader is someone who sets the direction and influences people to follow in that direction. This course series establishes what some of the industry leaders do, to improve their organizations' position through effective leadership. We will study the best practices from industry leaders whose...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
3,300 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
A leader is someone who sets the direction and influences people to follow in that direction. This course series establishes what some of the industry leaders do, to improve their organizations' position through effective leadership. We will study the best practices from industry leaders whose...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3,300 USD
1 more date
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
As a strategic leader, it is your responsibility to ensure that your organization is moving in the right direction. Executives and high-level managers must have the practical insight necessary to address competitive business challenges. Each segment of this three day course is designed to impart...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
4,200 USD
1 more date
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
In today’s business world Interviewing has been identified as a critical management skill. Proven results have concluded that the “Old Style” interview is a failure. Published results show it’s less than 1.5% likely to be successful. The new approach to interviewing is to use the behavioral...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3,300 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Every business or organization begins and ends with people — and that's where you come in. Today's competitive marketplace requires human resource professionals to have an expanded role in the organization due to increasing importance of social and relationship capital. Your challenge today is to...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
3,300 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
This program provides an understanding of the issues which allow for effective management and supervision, such as proactive planning, understanding of customer relations, effective time management, proper communication and understanding human interaction, helping new managers/supervisors know...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3,300 USD
1 more date
MIT Professional Education
Jul 29—31, 2024
3 days in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
3,600 USD
1 more date
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
The unexpected breakdown of rotating machinery is the single largest cause of emergency breakdowns in all types of industry. Vibration surveillance to detect problems and analysis of the vibration signals to identify proven tools to eliminate this downtime. This course will explain the physical...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
4,200 USD
1 more date
New York Institute of Finance
Gain a solid grounding in credit risk fundamentals with the tools and techniques required to perform a credit analysis - utilizing analytical tools to project future performance. Prerequisite knowledge: Basic accounting CURRICULUM Day 1 MODULE 1: OVERVIEW OF CREDIT Interaction of...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in New York, New York, United States
3,899 USD
3 more dates
The College of Engineering: Integrative Systems + Design
Designing Systems, Products, and Services to Make them Easier, Safer, and More Effective for Human Use Anywhere there is a person using a system, human factors engineering concepts inevitably apply. This hands-on, multidisciplinary training program — now in its 65th year — provides...
Jul 29—Aug 9, 2024
1 day in Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
5,450 USD
1 more date
Georgia Tech Professional Education
Many employers who are required to comply with OSHA’s 1910.119 Process Safety Management standard have received basic training in OSHA’s Process Safety Management Standard, but are not fully aware of the advanced methods of process safety utilized throughout the world in the proper management of...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Atlanta, Georgia, United States
1,565 USD
MIT Professional Education
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
5,450 USD
London Business School
Navigate the critical transition from operational manager to strategic leader. Activate your ability to lead strategically The transition to strategic leadership requires a new set of skills. You will learn these key competencies and how to apply them when you return to work. Good for...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
1 day in London, United Kingdom
12,314 USD
International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans
From understanding the power of worldviews to defining your company strategies, the Certificate in Global Benefits Management program delivers the comprehensive knowledge you need to administer, manage and maintain a global benefits strategy. Get the latest updates from a faculty of global...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Boston, Massachusetts, United States
3,580 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Istanbul, Turkey
4,200 USD
1 more date
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
A variety of methodologies will be used during the course that includes: (30%) Based on Case Studies (30%) Techniques (30%) Role Play (10%) Concepts Pre-test and Post-test Variety of Learning Methods Lectures Case Studies and Self Questionaires Group Work Discussion ...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Istanbul, Turkey
3,800 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
In today's ever-changing environment, the specifier and valve buyer will spend 67% to 80% of their time looking up information. This results in your time being non-productive. This workshop will show you how to circumvent this problem. Industry needs to select the best Valve with the quality it...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3,800 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
This course will provide a comprehensive review of the principles of boiler water conditioning. The ASME and EPRI Boiler Chemistry Guidelines will be developed. Oxygen control by means of desecration and chemical treatment will be reviewed. Boiler design principles will be developed, including...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Istanbul, Turkey
3,800 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
5 days in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3,800 USD
1 more date

Online courses

MIT Professional Education
Jul 29—31, 2024
Online course
3,600 USD
1 more date
New York Institute of Finance
Gain a solid grounding in credit risk fundamentals with the tools and techniques required to perform a credit analysis - utilizing analytical tools to project future performance. Prerequisite knowledge: Basic accounting CURRICULUM Day 1 MODULE 1: OVERVIEW OF CREDIT Interaction of...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
Online course
3,899 USD
3 more dates
MIT Professional Education
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
Online course
3,750 USD
Western Ontario University
Jul 29—Aug 23, 2024
Online course
354 USD
Western Ontario University
Jul 29—Aug 23, 2024
Online course
354 USD
UW Professional & Continuing Education
This course explores language extensions such as LESS and Sass, as well as front-end frameworks like Bootstrap. More advanced features of HTML, CSS and responsive design are used to develop rich, multimedia websites that shine on a wide range of devices. Dynamic graphics and animation via HTML...
Jul 29—Oct 4, 2024
Online course
1,262 USD
Western Ontario University
Jul 29—Sep 6, 2024
Online course
369 USD
University of Salford, Manchester
The CMI Level 7 Clinical Leadership in Primary Care Programme is a specialist three-day course tailored to meet the specific needs of professionals working within primary care who need to apply highly strategic management principles within a healthcare setting. This programme aims to enhance...
Jul 29—31, 2024
Online course
3,171 USD
MIT Professional Education
Jul 29—Aug 1, 2024
Online course
3,600 USD
MIT Professional Education
Jul 29—Aug 19, 2024
Online course
3,125 USD
American Management Association
Get the skills and knowledge to accomplish what so many others don’t—the successful implementation of strategic goals. Whether it’s entering new markets, repositioning, outsourcing, or undertaking new initiatives or technology, execution of strategic goals is often a graveyard of good...
Jul 29—31, 2024
Online course
2,995 USD
5 more dates
American Management Association
People need to hear what you have to say. No matter how compelling the vision or how brilliant the strategy, without leadership communication, there is no execution. The ability to get buy-in, garner trust and inspire loyalty en masse isn't a skill you have to be born with. Now you can learn to...
Jul 29—31, 2024
Online course
2,995 USD
19 more dates
American Management Association
Develop the crucial management tools to help fully lead and motivate your team to higher productivity. Change is the norm. You are responsible for your own productivity and that of your staff. Your day-to-day dealings may now include colleagues, your boss and senior management who have...
Jul 29—30, 2024
Online course
2,595 USD
35 more dates
Oxford Management Centre
Corporate ethos which demands continual improvement in work place efficiencies and reduced operating, maintenance, support service and administration costs means that managers, analysts, and their advisors are faced with ever-challenging analytical problems and performance targets. To make...
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
Online course
3,950 USD
4 more dates
American Management Association
Traditional system development methodologies are rapidly being replaced by more iterative or agile approaches. More and more organizations are realizing the benefits of faster product deployment at a lower cost, with less rework due to missed requirements. Effective business analysis is key to...
Jul 29—31, 2024
Online course
1,295 USD
10 more dates
American Management Association
Confident, compelling, authentic and influential. That person could be you. Apply well-honed communication techniques to navigate common work challenges. This distinctive certificate program incorporates skill practice, role-play activities and real-time feedback to help you take your...
Jul 29—31, 2024
Online course
2,995 USD
3 more dates
The Chartered Institute of Marketing
To help product managers become more successful in their roles by introducing them to a framework for product management – the role; the key tasks and processes they should use and guidelines for product managers to manage themselves and their development. This workshop provides an overview of...
Jul 29, 2024
Online course
Management Concepts
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
Online course
2,499 USD
3 more dates
Management Concepts
Jul 29—Aug 2, 2024
Online course
2,769 USD
4 more dates