Change management courses in Mexico City, Mexico

Short executive courses on Change management

Best courses

The Wharton School:
Leading Digital Transformation
The emergence of digital technologies, and the disruptions they create, are reshaping companies and entire industries. In this dynamic environment, firms need to evolve not only to keep up with today's digital landscape, but also because those that are on top of trends and transformations today...
5 days
12500 USD
The Wharton School:
Generative AI and Business Transformation
Once or twice in a generation, a general-purpose technology emerges that ignites innovation to the extent that multiple industries are utterly transformed. Think of discoveries like electricity or the internet. Today, research consistently supports the conclusion that generative AI is one of...
4 days
13000 USD
San Francisco
Rotterdam School of Management:
Diploma Programme in Digital Transformation
Become a better digital transformation advisor in your organisation by applying new knowledge and skills to your business challenge. Turn digital disruption from threat into opportunity in your company with RSM’s Diploma Programme in Digital Transformation. Digital transformation In the...
0 days
13215.93 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
Change Management
Businesses often recognize the challenge of getting people to change shortly after implementation has started. The new approach is expected to go in unopposed but when the welcome mat doesn't appear the project team scrambles to do some patch up communication - often with poor results. But...
5 days
3500 USD
HECTOR School of Engineering & Management:
Certificate Course Digital Transformation of Service Systems
The primary objective of the course is to enable participants to play a vital role at the intersection of technical and business issues, being able to bridge the gap between company’s customers and end users, Line-of-Business experts and IT experts. In doing so, they shall understand that digital...
1 days
3016.3653000000004 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
5 days
3300 USD
Amsterdam Institute of Finance:
Leadership: Influencing People & Managing Change
Improve your leadership effectiveness. Build a collaborative, successful work environment. The Leadership: Influencing People & Managing Change program centers around leadership capabilities: exerting your influence and steering change, both at the interpersonal level and at the organizational...
3 days
4403.0337 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
HR Metrics & Analytics: Driving Strategic & Organizational Change Through Analytics
The HR function is a high-value-added part of the organization and plays a key role in developing and implementing corporate strategy. This is because of the growing importance of human capital in organizational success. The HR function needs to be more effective as a strategic partner in the...
5 days
3500 USD

Or try online courses

Stanford University (ONLINE):
5900 USD
The Florida International University College of Business:
1395 USD
Stanford University (ONLINE):
765 USD

Courses under 3500 USD

ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
5 days
3500 USD
HECTOR School of Engineering & Management:
1 days
3016.3653000000004 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
5 days
3300 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
5 days
3500 USD