Conflict management courses in Istanbul, Turkey

Short executive courses on Conflict management

Best courses

IMD Business School:
High Performance Leadership (HPL)
Listen. Influence. Impact. How to become a high performance leader Are you ready to focus on you, your leadership potential, your vision, and the bigger impact you can make on your team, organization, and customers? With IMD’s High Performance Leadership, you experience the training...
6 days
16990.0148 USD
MIT Professional Education:
2 days
2000 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
Conflict Management
Conflict management plays a very important role in preventing conflicts among individuals. How does a conflict arise? When individuals strongly oppose each other’s opinions and ideas, the probability of a conflict arises. A conflict starts when individuals think on different lines and find it...
5 days
3500 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
Conflict Management in Workplace Environment
Conflict management plays a very important role in preventing conflicts among individuals. How does a conflict arise? When individuals strongly oppose each other’s opinions and ideas, the probability of a conflict arises. A conflict starts when individuals think on different lines and find it...
5 days
3500 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
Managing Conflict & Handling Difficult People
Managing Conflict, dealing with personal or organizational change and handling those difficult people at work, requires us to be proficient in a number of managerial competencies. This program explores and examines these competencies and enables participants to experience at first hand, many of...
5 days
3500 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
Advanced Project Management
Projects are delivered by people and their attitudes and soft skills can make a massive difference to the success of project. The major difference between a project manager, and a ‘Master’ project manager lies in the ability to understand that successful Project Management is about 20% Hard...
5 days
3500 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
Effective Leadership
Facilitation skills that you can adopt in your organization to deliver endless results. When you have completed this module you will be able to define the key concepts associated with leadership and you will be able to: Identify the main obstacles to effective leadership in the organization ...
5 days
4500 USD
Kuala Lumpur
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
Controlling Your Time, Handling Stress and Managing Multiple Projects
How to put more time into your working day, solve problems faster, run better meetings, delegate more, resolve conflicting demands and manage multiple projects and priorities An exciting and dynamic management course for managers, engineers, supervisors and other professionals! You may be...
5 days
3500 USD

Or try online courses

Courses under 3500 USD

ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
5 days
3500 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
5 days
3500 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
5 days
3500 USD
ICTD International Centre for Training and Development:
5 days
3500 USD